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Auto answer with Asterisk dailplan

Wesley Wesley 3 years

The Asterisk auto answers can be a handy feature for when you want to broadcast to one or multiple phones or speakers at the same time.

In today's post, I am going to show you a few examples of how to auto-answer incoming calls from the Asterisk dial plan.

Auto answer with SipAddHeader

exten => 100,1,SIPAddHeader(Call-Info:<sip:>\;answer-after=0)
exten => 100,n,Dial(PJSIP/200)

Auto answer with SetVar

exten => 100,1,SetVar(_ALERT_INFO=info=alert-autoanswer)
exten => 100,n,Dial(PJSIP/200)

Auto answer with Set

exten => 100,1,Set(__SIPADDHEADER=Alert-Info: \;info=alert-autoanswer)
exten => 100,n,Dial(PJSIP/200)

When you set the auto-answer settings in your Asterisk, don't forget to also allow auto-answer on your device. Most devices have an auto-answer option at the settings page that needs to be selected.

Auto answer with Asterisk dailplan 2021-08-24 08:08:04

How to set in free xlite version ?

  • 1 year

Hello, team. Thanks for your helping us. I have question related asterisk call recordings. 1. I created MixMonitor call recordings. I can get agents made Outbound calls their agent name like user 1001. But, I can't agent who answered the call his/her name. Please how can I get the agent name for incoming calls?

  • 1 year

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